2015 Holiday Luncheon
Over 60 retirees and guests attended our annual Holiday Luncheon at Peace United Church, December 1, 2015. The room was beautifully decorated, which instantly put everyone in the holiday mood.
Sheila Willey and the Women's Club choral group, Fiat Musica, provided our entertainment. It is always a treat watching Sheila's flowing gestures as she directs the chorus of beautiful voices. In addition to a selection of non-holiday pieces, the group closed with Felice Navidad, adding to the holiday festivities.
As usual our membership came through with delicious potluck dishes and no one left hungry! Chancellor Blumenthal and his executive assistant Margaret McGuire joined us for lunch. The Chancellor said a few words and acknowledged the retirees for all we that we do. He then responded to questions from the audience that included inquiries about enrollment, Shakespeare Santa Cruz and the absence of kiosk guards at the campus entrance.
Our latest shipment of retirees' t-shirts was delivered to "our door" at the potluck and Dave Kirk was quite busy with sales. If you are interested in purchasing one, order information is located on the home page of our website.