Featured  Events

Feb  20
Application Deadline: Silver Slug Award
Feb  26
Speaker's Event with Gary Griggs
Apr  22
Scholarship Event

Slugs On The Go

Wilder ranch ocean viewRetirees explored the Wilder Ranch Coastal Trail hike with three docents on hand to answer questions, learn more here.



Scholarship Event
Read about the impact of the Silver Slug Award and the Bruce Lane Memorial Scholarship.

UCSC Retirees 

Retirees in Action:

77% volunteer in the community

34% volunteer for the University

48% provide professional services

22% publish written works



The UCSC Retirees Association is an active member of CUCRA, the Council of University of California Retirees Associations. This is a system-wide consortium with representatives from all the UC campuses and laboratories who meet twice a year with UC leadership. CUCRA is active in advocating for retiree benefits and privileges and also co-sponsors an extensive travel program with excursions all over the world. 

Retiree Resources

The Retiree Association is all about staying connected.  Our Resource and Connections page provides links to valuable resources within UC and outside the University. We've also highlighted opportunities to volunteer and travel that may be of particular interest to retirees. The UCSC Retirees Association is a member of the Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education (AROHE).