
Survey of UC Retirees 2024

Every four years the Council of UC Retirees Associations (CUCRA) sponsors a survey to highlight the activities and accomplishments of retired UC staff and non-Senate academics. Input from each UC Santa Cruz retiree matters. By participating you provide valuable insights on the collective contributions and interests of UC retirees. We need your help to provide a diverse and comprehensive set of responses.


Take the CUCRA Survey here.



Contact the UC Santa Cruz Retiree & Emeriti Center



Why participate?

The first and second surveys conducted in 2016 and 2020 resulted in ground-breaking reports highlighting achievements that UC retirees continue to make as volunteers, advocates, ambassadors, caregivers, artists, and more. The results from this survey will:

  • Enable CUCRA, its member retiree associations, and retiree centers to advocate more
    effectively on behalf of UC retirees.
  • Help the UC Office of the President and campus and laboratory administrators better
    understand the contributions made by retirees to UC and the broader community.
  • Assist UC Retirees Associations and Retiree Centers to create and improve upon
    programs for retirees.
  • Provide retirees with comprehensive information about their collective contributions and






Retirees in Action: Survey of UC Retirees


Sponsored by the Council of UC Retirees Associations (CUCRA), the report, Generous Talents, Enduring Community, highlights the activities and accomplishments of retired UC staff and non-Senate academics who responded to a survey conducted in Fall of 2020. 

Learn about our UC retirees here!


Responses UC Santa Cruz retirees:

77% reported volunteering in the community

34% volunteered for the University

48% provided professional services

22% published written works